Care Consultancy
STORM is a leading provider of Care Quality Commission (CQC) Compliance support to the care sector. Clients include nursing and residential care homes, domicillary providers, GP surgeries and NHS Trusts. STORM has an experienced team of professionals that work closely with your care team to drive compliance performance. So, if you are graded Inadequate or Requires Improvement or even GOOD or OUTSTANDING then come and let STORM assist you and your gorgeous residents.
Care Services
STORM deliver a range of care services to its clients. These may range from a simple care compliance audit to assisting you with rapid compliance turnaround. You may have been faced with a closure notice or placed into special measures. STORM has successfully dealt with it all. So relax, put the kettle on and contact the STORM care team!

CQC requires all Providers to conduct arrange for an independent audit of what they do. Lets face it you need a separate organisation to come into your organisation and conduct a mock CQC compliance inspection. This could be across the whole organisation or just across within a small care section that might concern you. STORM has a fabulous team that will conduct an audit and present to you the findings in simply written report. So let us find your faults and not CQC!

This is serious! Business and jobs are now affected and CQC and the Local Authority Commissioning department is looking to stop referring clients to you. You need to move quick and but an effective action plan in place. STORM has considerable experience in turning around care homes. STORM will assist you and your senior care and management team get that grade improved. So, roll up those sleeves as this is going to be tough!

It is a lonely business running or owning a care home. Tough decisions and actions are needed if progress and improvement is going to be achieved. We all need a mentor in life. STORM will provide a mentoring service to provide one to one support to your care manager or Provider. You will be stretched and there will be some uncomfortable tough love as Jonathan and his STORM team will move you to a new place.

You efficient is your home and care business? STORM will assess your home from a pure business angle. We leave no stone unturned and examine a multitude of areas including; bed filling and getting referrals, utility usage, staff profiles, equipment and consumables, contracts and contractors. At the end of the analysis you will have a good idea of areas of saving, resturcturing and staffing profiles. Your business will be streamlined and more efficient.

At times it may be necessary to challenge the Regulator. You may consider you have received an unfair CQC grading or feel the local authority has been inconsistent. STORM can advise on your options available to you. This may be the completion of the factual accuracy return or obtaining genuine legal support. STORM has experience in successfully representing care clients in tribunal and overturning Notice of Proposal or closure notices. There is too much at stake so have a chat to STORM before your business is adversely affected. A phone call costs nothing!

STORM's Jonathan Cunningham is one of the leading UK CQC workshop trainers and facilitators. His knowledge of the CQC landscape has been built over years of inspecting care homes and dealing with CQC. His workshops are legendary and have resulted in him becoming one of the most sought after care speakers. If you wish to develop and prepare your care managers then give STORM a bell and talk through your requirements. We love workshops!

Ok, you have submitted your PIR and are pretty confident everything is ok! However, wouldn't it be nice if you had a company come in conduct a 'quick' compliance audit, prepare your staff and make sure all bases are covered before the daunting CQC 'ring of the bell'?. STORM will provide this service and make sure everything is shipshape...and if they aren't, you still have time to put it right. So now relax and book in STORM for a 'sleep easy at night' pre-inspection visit!

You finally get that PIR request from CQC and your stomach drops...You don't know what to write and include in this huge document. Well, time to 'calm down' as STORM can draft your PIR for you! Once we have attended site and seen what you do, we can take the headache away from you so you can get on with running your care home or Trust!

Most homes think that they are outstanding! However, few managers and staff could recognise what outstanding actually looks like. STORM's Jonathan Cunningham has achieved this grading and now assists other homes to achieve OUTSTANDING! He follows a proven 5 step process in order to develop the care client and staff to secure that elusive grade. STORM will identify areas of strength and then present a route plan to follow. You too can achieve OUTSTANDING!

STORM loves, loves, loves training your staff! Most areas of care compliance are delivered by STORM. These could include; DoLs/MCA, Manual and Patient Handling, Duty of Candour, Management of Audits, Care Home Safety, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Infection Control, Food Hygiene, Accident and Incident Investigations, Fire Marshal and Awareness, CQC Compliance, Notifications, CQC Regulations and Key Lines of Enquiry, Managing Difficult Staff, DNAR Management and Awareness, Managing Complaints, Obtaining Effective Client Feedback. To name but a few...

All CEOs and senior boards require to be leadership is no different! STORM's care leadership mentoring and coaching is led by Jonathan Cunningham MBE. Jonathan and his team mentor, coach and develop the senior teams within NHS Trusts, Care Homes and other care organisations. The development focuses on self awareness and the creation of visions and goals that can be pragmatically implemented. Visible, driven, inspiring leadership is nurtured. Jonathan has years of leading senior boards across a multitude of organisations. Your organisation must invest in leadership development to survive in today's challenging environment.

Some care organisations like the idea of having someone calling in every month or quarter to check that everything remains ok. Some clients prefer a weekly visit or some may just wish to know that STORM support is on the end of the phone. Whatever package you may consider, STORM will present 3 options for you that aim to suit your needs and budget. Let us become part of your amazing care team.

All care organisations and homes have to market themselves. STORM has considerable experience in social care social media, production of marketing material, writing of care articles, advising on care home decoration and design, care photography and drone filming. STORM has created multiple promotional films for care homes and Trusts. We are in the business of presenting your organisation in the very best light and making you look OUTSTANDING!

We all love FREE! But seriously, we love to chat and there is little we haven't seen or dealt with. So, if you have any worries, concerns or questions about anything in social care or CQC compliance then give STORM a shout. If we can assist you, then great. For us, it's all about the long-term relationship and we love people and chocolate hobnobs!